McIntosh County Legal Notices
January 3rd Legals
Ashley Public School
OCTOBER 10, 2018
The Ashley school board held their regular meeting on Wednesday, October 10, 2018 at 8pm in the ITV room. Present: Gwyn Schumacher, Trisha Schneider, Lyle Fey, Ross Litsey, Kevin Nitschke, Jason Schmidt, Teresa Dockter, Cary Hauth, Terra Engelhart, Sara Sathre, Tony Bender *(8:01).
Motion by Schumacher to approve the agenda. Second by Schneider, motion carried unan- imously.
Motion by Schumacher to approve the minutes of the Sep- tember 12th and October 1st meetings as written. Second by Schneider, motion carried unan- imously.
*Tony Bender entered the meeting at 8:01pm. Motion by Schneider to approve payment of general fund bills ($59,699.56). Second by Nitschke, motion carried unani- mously.
Motion by Nitschke to ap- prove financial reports as sub- mitted. Second by Litsey, motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Schneider to ap- prove the contract for Savannah Harbaugh ($19,251.93) for se- mester 2 of 18/19 with signing bonus of $1,000 (18/19), $2,000 (19/20) upon return, $2,000 (20/21) upon return and up to $1,000 moving stipend. Second by Schumacher, motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Schumacher to approve the contract for Kyle Thiery for 5/6 BBB coach ($1,050). Second by Schneider, motion carried unanimously.
Discussion on tractor rental for snow removal. Motion by Nitschke to allow Lyle Fey to de- clare a conflict of interest. Sec- ond by Schumacher, motion carried unanimously. Motion by Schumacher to rent the tractor from Lyle Fey for $23/hour. Sec- ond by Litsey, motion carried unanimously.
Supt. Schmidt reported he is scheduling a math interview for October 26th. Following dis- cussion, motion by Nitschke to authorize the hiring committee to offer a contract if the candidate is a good fit with a signing bonus of $2,000 (semester two 18/19), $4,000 (19/20) upon return, $4,000 (20/21) upon return and a moving stipend up to $1,000. Second by Schumacher, motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Hauth will send an in- quiry to the staff regarding Christmas party options.
Mr. Schmidt provided infor- mation that will likely be dis- cussed at the next co-op meeting regarding scheduling of events.
Superintendent’s report: Looks like prom format will be like last year--held in Wishek with Ashley students attending as guests. Ashley juniors did pay for some prizes last year.
Principal’s report: 1) Tom Gerhardt was here to do some highlight videos for his ‘The Cut- ting Ed Podcast’ for educators-- will feature Mrs. Bichler and Mrs. Schmidt; 2) AdvancEd is pro- gressing;
3) 10/12 Ag night, 10/17 end Q1, 10/17 DFS pork feed, 10/25 PT conferences, 10/30 college application day for sen- iors; 4) NWEA testing almost complete, state testing begins soon.
AMC Clinic.........................30.00
Bus PX
Anderson-Bender, Kristi ..........................................43.40 Reimb Classroom Supplies
Cole Papers Inc...........1,014.86 Cust Supplies
Delzer, Bob......................300.00 Sound System Equip Rent-FB
Dickey Rural Networks .....................................2,130.87 Phones/Managed SVC
Discovery Education....1,550.00 Streaming License
Ellingson, Jennifer.............80.00 Mileage-Student Help
Great Western Network ...................................25,700.00 ITV/Online Fees
H.A. Thompson and Sons ........................................700.56 Repairs
Hauth, Cary.......................58.18 Meeting/Online Field Trip Meals
Istate Truck Center...........62.32 Bus Parts
Kulm Public School.....11,320.00 Sem 1 Math Salary
Leo Lock and Key...........102.00 Keys
Link’s Do It Best................58.55 Cust/Bus Supplies
Lookout Books.................588.89 Lib Books
Martz, Denise......................8.88 Wkshp Meal
McCleary Lumber Inc........23.98 Cust Supplies
Mettler, Ron.....................550.00 Repair/Paint FB Goal Posts
Mid American Research Chemi- cal...................................842.57 Cust Supplies
MidAmerica Books..........113.70 Lib Books
Missouri River Educational Coop .........................................500.00 18/19 Dues
Moldenhauer, Lucas..........17.50 Meal-Reg Science Fair Meeting
Montana Dakota Utilities .....................................4,690.30 Electricity
Nardini Fire Equipment Co .....................................5,507.64 Fire Ext Maintencance
NDUC Group Account.....306.86 Q3 Billing
Northern Plains Cooperative .....................................5,507.64 Bus Fuel/Tires/Heat Fuel
Paulsrud, Donald..............21.22 Meals-Advanced
Popp Binding & Laminating Inc ..........................................94.97 Lam Film
Redhead Publishing........138.60 Minutes
S Central Prairie Special Ed ......................................1,729.00 1st Half Assesments
Sathre, Sara......................31.00
Schmidt, Jason..................14.00 Meal-SCC
Schmidt, Jessica...............25.23 Meals- Advanced
SYNCB/Amazon...........1,102.07 Calculators/Toner/Chair/Math
Taylor Music Inc................87.00 Folders/Mallet
Thrifty White Pharmacy.......7.99 Med Supplies
General Fund Bills Paid Between Board Meetings September 2018
Horace Mann...................282.27 Disability
City of Ashley..................213.12 Water/Sewer/Garage
Becky Jenner..................135.45 Medical Service
Trophy Haus......................45.00 Elem FB Jersey
Wishek Clinic.....................59.21 Athletic Tape
Visa..................................698.73 AdvanceED
Registration/Mower parts
Adm conference registration Quality Inn.......................222.00
Rooms-AdvancED wkshp
Next meeting will be No- vember 7, 2018 at 7pm. Motion by Schneider to adjourn, second by Litsey. Motion carried unani- mously, meeting adjourned at 9:06pm.
Teresa Dockter, Business Manager Lyle Fey, President
Ashley Public School
NOVEMBER 7, 2018
The Ashley School board held their regular meeting on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at 7pm in the ITV room. Present: Gwyn Schumacher, Lyle Fey, Tr- isha Schneider, *Kevin Nitschke (7:04), Jason Schmidt, Cary Hauth, Teresa Dockter, Quentin Schumacher, Jessica Schmidt, Kristie Morrison, *Matt Gauss (7:03). Ross Litsey was absent. Motion by Schneider to approve the agenda. Second by Schu- macher, motion carried unani- mously.
Motion by Schumacher to approve the minutes of the Oc- tober 10th meeting as written. Second by Schneider, motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Schneider to ap- prove payment of general fund bills ($17,602.32). Second by Schneider, motion carried unan- imously.
*Matt Gauss entered the meeting at 7:03pm. *Kevin Nitschke entered the meeting at 7:04pm.
Motion by Schumacher to approve all financial reports as presented. Second by Schnei- der, motion carried unanimously. President Fey reported that the superintendent evaluation was completed and Mr. Schmidt re- ceived unanimous satisfactory marks in all areas. Motion by Schumacher to approve the evaluation as presented. Second by Schneider, motion carried unanimously.
Discussion on Christmas-- will provide pizza for the staff.
Mr. Schmidt reported that both the 5th grade and math teachers plan to be here the week before Christmas break to meet the kids and get acclimated to their classrooms.
Motion by Schneider to ap- prove the contract for Alyssa Schlosser to teach math begin- ning semester two ($19,251.93) with a signing bonus of $2,000 (18/19), $4,000 (19/20), $4,000 (20/21) and a moving stipend up to $1,000. Second by Schu- macher, motion carried unani- mously.
Elementary football was discussed--original motion in April 2015 was to continue with the program if a coach could be found and there were proper numbers. This year Ashley had 5 kids and future numbers are ex- pected to be low as well. Wishek kids are invited to participate (22 this year) but all cost is taken care of by the Ashley school, since the Wishek school does not want to be involved in the program. The original equipment was purchased through fundrais- ing. All practices and games are in Ashley. General consensus is to keep running the program as it is. Possibility of some practices in Wishek if they are willing to have some elementary VB prac- tices in Ashley.
Mr. Schmidt stated one football uniform hasn’t been turned in and the family has not reimbursed the cost of the items. He was directed to see what ac- tion NDSBA recommends.
Principal’s report: 1) Pod- cast mentioned last meeting has been completed--links were pro- vided in the newsletter; 2) Ad- vancEd update--district report card has been completed as well as goals based on survey data; 3) Online student field trips have been beneficial;
4) Drama performance 11/13 at 7:30; 5) Additional Ad- vancEd activities being discussed-- family fun night in February & an open house in the fall before school starts.
*Matt Gauss left the meet- ing at 8:04pm.
Some discussion on im- proving student-led parent- teacher conferences as well as ways to cut down on wait times for parents.
AHS Petty Cash................48.71 Postage
Carquest Wishek.............124.99 Bus Parts
Central Business Systems .........................................409.11 Copier Maint
Christianson, Dean...........25.00 Bus Driver Wkshp
Cole Papers Inc..............902.96 Cust Supplies
Crawford Trucks & Equipment .........................................112.01 Bus Parts
Dickey Rural Networks .....................................2,299.93 Managed SVC/Phones
Dockter, Todd.....................25.00 Busdriver Wkshp
Eckroth Music Company....23.10 Pitch Pipe
Ellingson, Jennifer............175.00 Stipend/Mileage
Erbele, Paul.......................25.00 Busdriver Wkshp
Follett School Solutions Inc ..........................................95.24 Lib Books
G & G Implement.............342.08 Bus/Cust Parts
Garnaas, Charles..............73.38 Reimb Fuel/Meals-NW Music
Golz, Link..........................25.00 Busdriver Wkshp
Harlow’s Bus Sales Inc.....60.87 Bus Parts
Hauth, Cary.......................45.28 Meeting Meals
Heupel, James..................25.00 Busdriver Wkshp
Hoffman, Joshua...............25.00 Busdriver Whskp
Jaymar Business Forms Inc ........................................285.50 Checks
Link’s Do It Best..............302.34 Cust/Ag Ed Supplies
McCleary Lumber Inc......173.50 Ag Supplies
Moldenhauer, Lucas..........25.00 Busdriver Wkshp
Montana Dakota Utilities .....................................7,684.70 Heat/Electricity
NDACS Spelling Bee ..........................................60.00 State Enrollment Fee
Nothern Plains Cooperative
.....................................3,361.27 Bus Fuel
Paulsrud, Donald...............25.00 Busdriver Wkshp
Redhead Publishing........162.60 Minutes
Schauer, Larry...................25.00 Busdriver Wkshp
Schmidt, Jason..................46.00 Busdriver Wkshp/Meals
Schumacher, Quinten........25.00 Busdriver Wkshp
Speidel, Bruce...................25.00 Busdriver Wkshp
St. Aubin, Jeremy..............25.00 Busdriver Wkshp
Syncb/Amazon................285.76 AG/HS/Extra C Supplies
Taylor Music Inc..............203.00 Instrument Repairs
Thiery, Kyle.......................25.00 Busdriver Wkshp
Fund Total:..................17,602.32
Checking Account Total: ...................................17,602.32
General Fund Bills
Paid Between Board Meetings November 2018
Horace Mann...................475.08 Disability
City of Ashley..................252.26 Water/Sewer/Garbage
MDU.................................84.98 Final Bill FB Field
USPS................................71.00 Stamps
JW Pepper......................101.95 Music
Lucas Moldenhauer..........10.50 Meal
Larry Schauer.....................5.94 Meal
Visa..................................374.82 Time Clock Ribbon/OPC regist/ Ag Ed Sanders
Quality Inn.........................74.00 Princ Conf Room
Next meeting will be De- cember 12, 2018 at 7pm. Motion by Schneider to adjourn, second by Schumacher. Motion carried unanimously, meeting adjourned at 8:10pm.
Teresa Dockter, Business Manager Lyle Fey, President
January 16, 2019
McIntosh County
Bids Sought