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Burn ban lifted
Posted 8/08/17 (Tue) - by

McIntosh County is no longer under a full burn ban.
Neil Meidinger, the county commission chairman, signed a resolution Monday morning that rescinds the ban.
However, burning restrictions are automatically reimposed anytime that the North Dakota Rangeland Fire Index is in the High, Very High or Extreme Categories or when a Red Flag Warning for McIntosh County has been issued by the National Weather Service.
A Fire Index map, available online at is updated daily.
"(Residents) are allowed to burn when the Fire Danger Index is moderate to low," said DeLoris Rudolph, county emergency manager. "On the map, blue is moderate and green is low.
"When the map shows the county shaded in yellow, orange or red, open burning is not allowed. The ban also applies when a Red Flag Warning has been issued."
Residents who do not have access to the online map may call their local fire chief, the county sheriff (288-5161), the county auditor (288-5141) or Rudolph (288-3906) for the latest information.
"If they want to do a controlled burn, they must call the sheriff, their fire chief, or North Dakota State Radio (1-800-472-2121)," Rudolph said.