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Election action
Posted 2/28/18 (Wed) - by

With about a month before the filing deadline, the county primary is beginning to take shape.
Candidates who wish to have their names on the ballot must take out petitions, gather the required signatures and turn them in to their respective auditor's office by 4 p.m. on April 9.
At the McIntosh County level, the primary is set for June 12, with the top vote-getters moving on to the general election in November.
All of the county races will be for four-year terms, with two County Commission seats topping the ballot. Incumbents are Steve Delzer, of Ashley, and Neil Meidinger, of Zeeland.
Other primary races include county auditor, Gina Ketterling, of Ashley, incumbent; county treasurer, Lanette Blumhardt, of Ashley, incumbent; county recorder/clerk of court, Carol Fey, of Ashley, incumbent; county sheriff, Laurie Spitzer Heupel, of Ashley, incumbent; and official county newspaper, The Ashley Tribune, incumbent.