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Foxtail say
Posted 11/15/17 (Wed) - by

The North Dakota Public Service Commission has scheduled a public hearing Monday in Ellendale regarding a proposal to construct a wind farm in Dickey County.
It is set for 11 a.m. at Fireside Restaurant, 415 1st Ave. N.
Foxtail Wind (a wholly-owned iindirect subsidiary of NextEra Energy Resources, LLC), has submitted an application for a permit for the Foxtail Wind Energy Center.
The project will be constructed and operated by Xcel Energy, pending PSC approval for transfer of the site certificate. The project will have a generating capacity of up to 150 megawatts and will consist of up to 75 turbines.
Associated facilities will include access roads, underground electrical collection systems and cabling, a collection substation, an operations and maintenance building, a meteorological evaluation tower, a construction laydown area, a batch plant, and a switchyard.