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Hot chili raises cold cash for AMC
Posted 10/12/16 (Wed) - by
The second-annual Ashley SuperValu Chili Cook-Off was a success with nine chili cooks.
Listed alphabetically with their roaster number, the cooks were Dillon Becker (8), Tony Bender (7), Wanda Bergren (4), Kevin and Lisa Forsman (1), Jodi Haas (2), Kathy Jenner (3), Mary Lehr (6), Terri Rueb (5), Gus Schlepp (9).
Judges were Tara Brandner, Eric Heupel, Denny Hoffman and Scot Schaunamann,
Named the winners: 1st place: Gus Schlepp (1 lb hamburger/week for a year at Ashley Super Valu and a trophy), 2nd place: Wanda Bergren, ($50.00 Ashley Super Valu Gift Certificate), 3rd place: Terri Rueb ($25.00 Ashley Super Valu Gift Certificate).
The community that came out to support Ashley Medical Center voted Kathy Jenner the winner of the People's Choice award ($25 cash from The Roost)
Corinne and Jerry Lepp contributed cornbread. The Fundraiser for Ashley Medical Center raised more than $1,000!