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In the wind
Posted 9/06/17 (Wed) - by

The North Dakota Public Service Commission has rescheduled a public hearing in Ashley regarding a proposal to amend the permit for the Merricourt Wind Power Project in Dickey and McIntosh counties.
Commissioners have set the hearing for 10:30 a.m. Sept. 13 at Ashley City Hall, 113 1st Street NW.
The hearing originally was scheduled on June 28. It was postponed due to a publication error with the notice.
EDF Renewable Development, Inc., has submitted an application for a revised site plan for its proposed 150-megawatt Merricourt Wind Power Project. The PSC first approved a permit for the project in June 2011 and a first amendment was approved in May 2015.
Revisions to the previous project boundary have increased the project area from approximately 10,960 acres to 13,156 acres. The additional acres did not add any new landowners to the project.