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More shop talk
Posted 10/11/17 (Wed) - by

McIntosh County commissioners are continuing to explore construction of a new headquarters for the Road Maintenance Department.
The current county shop, north of Ashley, has become outdated and too small for modern equipement.
At their Oct. 4 regular meeting, commissioners Neil Meidinger, Steve Delzer and Perry Turner visited by speakerphone with Jeff Morrau, of Artekta Architects.
"We still have about 75 percent of the necessary project documentation that we prepared for McIntosh County on file from several years ago," Morrau said.
"It would just need to be updated and the remainder would need to completed to reflect your current plans for a new building."
Commissioners have been discussing an 80-by-120 foot structure for the shop. It's possible the length of the proposed building may be extended.