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Oktoberfest is coming up soon
Posted 9/14/16 (Wed) - by
The Ashley Chamber of Commerce and the Sizzling Summer Days Committee have joined forces to celebrate the community’s German Russian heritage on Saturday, October 1, with the second-annual Ashley Oktoberfest.
There will be a Tour of Homes, beginning at 10 a.m. Those opening their doors are Randy Ulmer and Candice Williamson; Kim Wolf; Kevin and Paula Regan; and Tracy and Ursula Schock.
Advance tickets are $15 and may be purchased at Ashley SuperValu, Hometown Credit Union, McIntosh County Bank and MCB Insurance. The homes may be toured in any order until 1 p.m. Tickets also may be purchased for $20 on Oct. 1 at the Ashley Tribune/Jitters, where pumpkin spice smoothie specials will be available.
German cooks and beverage makers start planning a special dish or drink for entry into the German-Russian Heritage Food and Drink contest.