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That's Life
Posted 9/27/17 (Wed) - by

Hey folks, it's been awhile, and I sense my readers slacking off.
Have you been paying attention to current events? The news has been particularly newsy as of late. Okay, pencils sharpened, eyes straight ahead, here we go.
Under recent health care legislation, this is considered a preexisting condition:
Heebie jeebies
The most unpatriotic thing ever:
Kneeling during the National Anthem
Kneeling when Lee Greenwood sings
Five deferments
Buying “Make America Great Again” caps from Russia
A contributing cause to more intense hurricanes:
Gay pride
Insincere prayers
Al Gore
Cow farts
Top Kim Jong-Un nickname:
Rocket Man
Off His Rocker Man
Major Tom
Captain Fantastic
Reasons the world didn't end Saturday, as predicted:
The Almighty is still on the Julian Calendar
Not prudent without a health care bill in place
President Trump and Kim Jong-Un both golfing
Saving it for when the Vikings win the Super Bowl
To access the rest of "That's Life," publisher Tony Bender's award-winning personal column, subscribe to The Wishek Star or The Ashley Tribune