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That's Life
Posted 11/08/17 (Wed) - by

Admittedly, I’m easily puzzled.
Therefore, I ought to be able to come up with a column on that topic. Even if I’m trying to write next to a guy noshing airport sushi, while I’m waiting for a flight back to North Dakota.
The first thing that puzzles me is why I’m leaving Los Angeles this soon, knowing full well I’m flying back into the teeth of a Northern Plains autumn — which in the perspective of Californians is Antartica in the dead of winter. They think we raise penguins. We should consider it. The pheasant count is down.
Had the Dodgers actually won Game 7 of the World Serious, I might have been tempted to stick around, so I could help tip over cop cars on Rodeo Drive.
After my visit, I’m also thinking about investing in Dow Chemical. Facts I made up show that a full 20 percent of your average Californian’s body mass is silicone. The balance is a combination of botox, Perrier and arugula. The only other place that has bigger boobs and more fake smiles is Washington, D.C.
Subscribe to The Ashley Tribune or The Wishek Star to access the rest of "That's Life," the award-winning personal column written by publisher Tony Bender.