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Armory upgrade
Posted 2/21/18 (Wed)

School Board members have agreed to cover part of the tab for planned improvements at the Wishek National Guard Armory.
A motion was approved at the board's Feb. 12 regular meeting to provide an estimated $4,645 for the projects.
The School District and the City of Wishek jointly oversee operation of the armory under a longterm agreement.
Col. Clark Johnson, director of facilities engineering at North Dakota National Guard headquarters in Bismarck, notified city and school officials earlier this month that his office would allocate $9,291 to Wishek from an appropriation made by the 2017 Legislature for maintenance and repair at armories across the state.
The National Guard contribution is intended to be a 50-percent match, with the School Board and the City Council — which approved a similar motion at its Feb. 5 regular meeting — each providing 25 percent of the estimated project cost.