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Fired up
Posted 3/29/17 (Wed)

They didn't have to battle many blazes, but Wishek Fire Department personnel stayed quite busy during the winter months.
Chief Dave Just says five members represented the department at the annual North Dakota State Fire School, which was held during late February in Minot.
"There were three primary topics addressed at the training school — basic firefighting skills, use of thermal-imaging cameras, and in-home rescue situations," Just says.
Two members of the Wishek contingent at state Fire School are high school students, Riley Fandrich and Dylan Wolff.
"It was great to have Riley and Dylan up in Minot," Just says. "It is exciting to see that the next generation of our community has an interest in firefighting and is willing to serve the community on a volunteer basis."
Photo: Dylan Wolff (left) and Riley Fandrich
(Subscribe to The Wishek Star for details on this story)