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New generation
Posted 1/31/18 (Wed)

Young people interested in learning more about the North Dakota Young Republicans are invited to attend a meeting Friday evening in Wishek.
The event will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Wishek Senior Center.
State Rep. Jeffery J. Magrum, R-Hazelton, will be the featured speaker.
Rep. Magrum was elected to a four-year term in the North Dakota House of Representatives in 2016 and serves on the Judiciary Committee, Agriculture Committee and the Interim Judiciary Committee.
A businessman, Rep. Magrum is a former mayor of Hazelton and was an EmmonsCounty Commissioner until being elected to the House.
“This is a great opportunity for young people in the area to gather to learn how to get involved in the North Dakota Young Republicans and to see the opportunities to make a difference in our state,” says Caleb Mehlhoff, of Driscoll, NDYR regional chairman.
For more information on the Young Republicans and the upcoming meeting, call Mehlhoff at (701) 425-6628, or email him at
District 28 includes Emmons, Logan, McIntosh and part of Burleigh, Dickey and LaMoure counties.