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Numbers crunch

Posted 9/20/17 (Wed)

Numbers crunch

Wishek's school enrollment stands at 194 students.


The total is down from 206 in 2016-17 and from 217 in 2015-16.


"Seven students moved out of the district over the summer," superintendent Shawn Kuntz said. "We lost six in one day."


The lower student numbers mean there will be a sharp drop in revenue from per-pupil payments.


"Estimating a taxable valuation of $9 million, we stand to lose $97,500 in state aid revenue (for 2018-19)," Kuntz said. "This is the earliest that I have ever started budget planning for the following year."


Kuntz said the enrollment decline is significant and will produce financial challenges for the school.


The School Board recently approved a 12-percent hike in local property taxes to bolster the district's General Fund.




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