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On board
Posted 5/17/17 (Wed)

Incumbents Nathan Pinke and Marla Berntson and newcomer Eric Froehling have been named to the Wishek Hospital Clinic Association board of directors.
An election was held May 9, during the WHCA annual meeting at the Wishek Civic Center.
The board consists of nine members. Six represent the Wishek area, or have a Wishek zip code. There are three at-large members from the zip codes for Zeeland, Kulm, Napoleon, Lehr, Fredonia, Gackle, Kintyre, Venturia, or Streeter.
Berntson, of Kulm, was elected by unanimous ballot to a new three-year term as an at-large director.
Meanwhile, Froehling received 39 votes and Pinke received 24 votes to win three-year terms in the Wishek-based seats. Challenger Trina Schilling received 20 votes.