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Parent flap
Posted 2/14/18 (Wed)

The mother of two Wishek Elementary School students has filed a lawsuit alleging school officials are infringing upon her right to parent by restricting her access to school property and events.
Katie Pinke’s lawsuit, filed in federal court on Feb. 5, claims the Wishek School Board’s unanimous vote in November to require her to notify and get approval from superintendent Shawn Kuntz before visiting school property was retaliation for her complaints about how school officials handled an incident in which a student brought a gun to the school.
The suit seeks to block visiting restrictions and requests a monetary judgement for unspecified damages and attorney’s fees. It was served to six defendants — Kuntz, School Board President Curt Meidinger, Vice President Melissa Kaseman-Wolf and members Bruce Herr, Trina Schilling and Dynette Ketterling.
Messages seeking comment from Kuntz, Meidinger, Kaseman-Wolf and Rachel Bruner-Kaufman, the district’s legal counsel, weren’t returned.
“Right now, I just need the ban lifted because my fundamental right to parent my children and be involved in their public education is extremely limited, and it’s not in their best interest,” Pinke said.