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Their aim is true
Posted 3/20/18 (Tue)

McIntosh County 4-H Archers had another good showing at the Southeast District Archery Match held in West Fargo on March 10. Camden Wiest placed first with a score of 237 in the Beginner Bare Bow Division.
Also participating in the Beginner’s Division: Elizabeth Pinke (172), Anika Pinke (160), Morgan
Bies (150) and Cooper Tunheim (145). In the Junior Bare Bow Division, Kenady Gross earned seventh place with a score of 251 followed by Kya Wiest (238) and Hailey Metzger (235). The archers are led by Sara Gross and Mandy Lange. Pictured are, backrow, left to right, Kenady Gross, Elizabeth Pinke, Camden Wiest and Hayley Metzger. Front row: Kya Wiest, Morgan Bies, Anika Pinke and Cooper Tunheim.