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Zeeland Hall named to National Register of Historic Places
Posted 7/27/16 (Wed)

Officials have been notified that the Zeeland Hall has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
The famed register is the federal governmentʼs list of properties it considers worthy of preservation and recognition.
Volunteers, led by Dr. Tom Isern, director of the Center for Heritage Renewal at North Dakota State University, and Joyce Scherr, of Zeeland, were instrumental in securing the designation.
A celebration is planned later this year.
In 1936, funding from the Works Progress Administration helped build the Zeeland Hall. The community center is significant for its Colonial Revival architecture and its connection with the WPA and other federal work relief construction programs from the Depression Era. It's also known for a rich heritage as the location of many community events, such as movies, sports, weddings, and dances throughout its history.
Contrary to misconceptions about the National Register program, a listing does not prevent owners from altering the property, restricting the use or sale of the property, or require establishing times that the property must be open to the public.
Entry into the National Register of Historic Places does give a property prestige, provides protection from adverse effects in federally-assisted projects, and provides eligibility for certain preservation financial incentives.
For more information about the National Register program in North Dakota, contact architectural historian Lorna Meidinger, State Historical Society of North Dakota, at 701-328- 2089.