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Book it
Posted 10/18/17 (Wed) - by

A dozen authors will attend the Ellendale Book Fair this weekend.
The event will be held from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday at the Ellendale Opera House.
Authors like Alicia Underlee Nelson, who has just written and published a book on the history of beer in North Dakota; Tony Bender, the influential columnist; Lawrence Diggs, the acclaimed columnist in the Aberdeen American News; historian Dr. Tom Isern; poet Sharon Chmielarz; and many more.
Each will speak for a short period of time and have their books available for sale.
Readers may stop at the author's table, chat and have them sign books. If you already have their books, bring them and get them signed.
The Ellendale Book Fair is sponsored by the Historic Ellendale Opera House and the North Dakota Humanities Council. It is free and open to the public.