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That's Life
Posted 10/18/17 (Wed) - by

The other day, I ran into a friend who wondered why I couldn't get with the program, like the rest of the Republicans in my neck of the woods.
I explained I''m not really anti-Republican, I am pro-common sense. Since these days we are entitled to our own facts, along with entire networks to support them, please allow me my delusion.
Continuing with said delusion, I told my friend I actually appreciated real conservatives, like William F. Buckley and Barry Goldwater, both of whom are spinning in their graves so fast these days, you could use them for horizontal drilling.
My friend told me the reason nine out of 10 voters and four out of five dentists in the state supported Trump is “He's one of us.” Which is why he wants to roll back the estate tax to save those of us with $5.49 million in the bank. Whew. Close call.
I can appreciate the way some folks are sticking with the president in the same way I appreciated the time my cat got one of those sticky mouse traps pasted to his fur.
Subscribe to The Ashley Tribune or The Wishek Star to access the rest of "That's Life," the award-winning personal column written by publisher Tony Bender.