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Rummage ad time
Posted 5/24/17 (Wed) - by

Spring fever is here and along with it comes the urge to start cleaning and organizing.
It's the perfect time to gather items for the great County Wide Rummage Sale — scheduled for Saturday, June 3, in both Wishek and Ashley.
In Wishek, the sales will be held in conjunction with Summer Fun Days festivities.
For many years, separate citywide rummage sales were held on consecutive weekends. Last year, organizers began a new era, with a countywide extravaganza on the same day.
The longstanding rummage-o-rama tradition is a favorite of bargain hunters. It's also a good way for folks to turn unneeded items into cash. Some neighbors join forces to hold multi-party sales.
“We're inviting residents and businesses alike to participate,” says Tony Bender, publisher of The Wishek Star and The Ashley Tribune
“We know businesses often have overstock or promotional items. We're going to encourage them to take advantage of the extra people in town.”
Bender also invites residents and businesses in Zeeland and Lehr to take part.
People in neighboring communities are welcome to participate both as sellers and buyers. Sellers may make arrangements to set up privately with friends in Wishek or Ashley, or they may call Bender at 701-288-3531 for assistance.
A rummage sale classified ad of 25 words or less costs just $10 for businesses and residents alike. It will run in both The Star and The Tribune for that price.
If you need a little more space, a boxed 2-by-2 display ad in both newspapers also is available for this event at the specially-discounted rate of $25.
Ads — which must be pre-paid — will run as a group in the May 31 editions of The Star and The Tribune. Submission deadline is 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 25.