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That's Life
Posted 10/04/17 (Wed) - by

You may have seen a blank front page on your local newspaper recently. Perhaps even this one.
October 1-7 is National Newspaper Week and the idea is to remind you what your community paper delivers.
National Newspaper Week is a good opportunity to address the state of journalism and to consider, as these mostly blank front pages say: “Imagine a Day Without Local News.”
I know it's easy to keep up with who's kneeling and who's not on Facebook. And you can't believe how upset people get when you ask why Catholics hate America. But local news — like that property tax increase coming down the pike — there's nothing on Facebook about that.
You could put in a call to Mark Zuckerberg, if he's not too busy explaining how the company profited by selling Jill Stein ads to Putin.
If you like cat videos, or the lowdown on your well-heeled “friend's” tropical vacation, with scintillating photos of Mai Tai's on the beach, Facebook is perfect.
Subscribe to The Ashley Tribune or The Wishek Star to access the rest of "That's Life," the award-winning personal column written by publisher Tony Bender.