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That's Life
Posted 10/25/17 (Wed) - by

This column may cost me my Liberal Card. However, I'm still going to want to collect my welfare check, believe in transgender climate change, and possibly get a medical marijuana prescription.
Egad! I may have just become an Independent. Possibly, even a Libertarian. True story: I voted Libertarian in the 1980 election. The candidate was Ed Clark; he wanted to decriminalize drug use, prostitution and homosexuality. David Koch — yeah, one of the Koch Brothers — was his running mate. Spoiler alert: Clark didn't win.
Here's where all this is leading: Sometimes, I think the media focuses too much on President Trump's lesser faux pas. Recognizing he is an insecure man, and that is certainly not without reason, I accept his fragile ego will lead him down the path of boorishness.
I found myself quickly bored by last week's kerfuffle, during which the president clumsily compared his compassion for fallen soldiers to that of Obama and then talked about how hard it was to make the calls of condolence to families. In short, making it about himself. The talking heads decried his insensitivity and it was hard to argue. But really folks, this is what we (as a nation) signed up for. You wanted to blow up the system? Kablooey! If we're going to beat to death every vapid remark the president makes, we're going to be clinically exhausted long before four years is up.
Subscribe to The Ashley Tribune or The Wishek Star to access the rest of "That's Life," the award-winning personal column written by publisher Tony Bender.