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That's Life
Posted 11/15/17 (Wed) - by

It's getting weird out there. True, it's been weird, we just didn't know the half of it. I barely know where to start.
I'd ask you to cover your children's eyes and ears, but I'm a realist. I know they're all on Snapchat, anyway. I was bemused by former Facebook executive Sean Parker's concern about what Facebook is doing to our children's brains. Nothing. Only angry old farts and Russians use Facebook, anymore.
Anyway, can someone explain to me what is up with guys like Harvey Weinstein and Louis C.K., who want to wave their junk around? I know that a cool breeze can feel good down there, but when it happens around here, someone's taking a wiz in the pasture and there are no witnesses.
Subscribe to The Ashley Tribune or The Wishek Star to access the rest of "That's Life," the award-winning personal column written by publisher Tony Bender.