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Top shop
Posted 5/03/17 (Wed)
School Board members have agreed to pursue construction of an addition to the agricultural education shop at Wishek High School.
At an April 26 special meeting, the board voted unanimously to approve a bid of $712,209 from Fargo-based RDA Inc. as the primary contractor.
The decision comes about two years after inspectors from the state Fire Marshal's office directed the school district to address ventilation concerns in the shop area. Issues also have developed in recent years related to the limited student work space in the shop.
A committee appointed by the School Board recommended consideration of a shop addition to alleviate the problems.
School Board members Bruce Herr, Dynette Ketterling, Curt Meidinger, Trina Schilling and Melissa Kaseman-Wolf also voted unanimously last week to approve a resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of up to $440,000 in construction bonds to support the project.