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That's fair
Posted 12/20/17 (Wed)

Dale Meidinger, of Wishek, has earned statewide honors as Fair Person of the Year.
The annual award is made by the North Dakota Association of Fairs.
Meidinger was recognized and received a plaque at the recent Dakota Fairs and Celebrations convention in Aberdeen, South Dakota.
Dale Hildebrant, of Valley City, executive board secretary/treasurer, said each of the nine districts in the association presents a nominee for the Fair Person of the Year award.
"We had a lot of great candidates again this year," Hildebrant said.
"The idea is to recognize someone who always goes 'above-and-beyond' in making their local fair a success.
"Dale Meidinger certainly fits that criteria. He has been a mainstay for many years at the Tri-County Fair in Wishek.
"We understand that Dale's particular skill has been in overseeing the concession stands. But he also helps out with many and countless other aspects of the fair."